Happiness Gardens of Bhutan

Bhutan’s “Happiness Gardens” are deeply tied to the country’s overarching philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH), which emphasizes the balance between material progress and the spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being of its people.

Surrealist Gardens

While surrealist art excels in the freedom offered by the canvas, it can also flourish in the physical world, transforming gardens into immersive, dreamlike realms that invite viewers to step beyond the ordinary.

The Smart Home in your Garden

Smart home tech is expanding outdoors. As a garden designer, I use smart irrigation, lighting, cameras, and sensors to enhance gardens. These tools automate tasks like watering, security, and lighting. As tech improves, outdoor automation will become more common.

The Cottage Garden Style

The cottage garden style is an approach to gardening that emphasizes charm, abundance, and informality.